Life is Like An Ocean

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Life is like an ocean –

Life is like an ocean.  It comes in waves ebbing and flowing.   Sometimes the water is calm, sometimes it’s overwhelming.  And just when you thought you’ve seen it all, you’ll be caught by surprise that there’s more to come.

Realizing that life is a cycle.  Still being thankful that there will always be something to be grateful for.  And knowing deep inside that there will always be something beautiful to look forward to.

Yes, the best wave of your life is still out there.  Learn from the waves and enjoy the ride.

The Reluctant Surfer

The reluctant surfer
I used to be
scared of the storm
and the waves I see

the water looks deep
and the height is steep

Avoiding it
I thought i’m a wise man
so I just stay on the beach
and build my castle on the sand

But even on the shore,
the waves swept it all

Can’t believe
I thought it’s safe
when i build some walls

So I look for surfboards
and try to ride
the waves that come
and learned from the tide

The fear from the fall
and the pain that it brings
when one is too slow
for paddling and wave breaking

Slowly as i passed
the eye of the tide
and survived the waves
that almost blinded my sight

I stand up all wet
and teary eyed
wiser this time
as the tide subsides

The reluctant surfer
I used to be
gone is the fear
and i’m finally free.



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