Window Shopping At Its Peak

Window Shopping At Its Peak, joys of joel ramblings on shopping, how to save money while shopping, funny crazy shopping story
Winodw Shopping At Its Peak –

I wonder why I have few photos in any shopping malls i’ve been to.

Let me guess.  All of them almost look the same?  Nope not really.  Every shopping mall is distinctive in its own way.  Each one has its own unique ambiance and feel.

Now I know why I have such a few shopping mall photos.  It’s  because i’m not really a shopaholic or a shopping diva.  I get an orgasmic feeling (oops, pardon my words) in visiting museums or dropping by in flea markets.

I’m such a cheapskate when it comes to splurge shopping but it doesn’t mean I don’t get excited everytime i hopped in a mall.

It still offers a variety of experience:

– the excitement of letting my fingers run through a mountain of color coded items during the rummage sale and ending up not buying a single thing. 

(This is not intentional. I’m not here to give store people a hellish experience.  It happened just once,  nope, just twice,  alright, i admit several times but i do buy when i see something i like.)

– the smile in my face when i see an artful window display.

(Artful equals tasteful equals vulgar equals obscene equals tacky,  anything catchy.  Taste is subjective)

–  the hedonistic pleasure I derived from watching people as I sit on the bench pretending to be waiting for someone when in fact i’m just sitting because i don’t have a single cent to spend on that too good to be true discounted signature items splashed all over the mall.                                                              

(Did you see that va vaboom lady carrying a handful of  LV’s with her daddy?  I’m not being bitter here.  Envy is a green eyed monster,  jealousy is blue, my eyes are neither of the two)

–and that endless rebuttal with a friend proving my point that yes he is really her daddy, not the kind of thing that causes diabetes.  Until someone nearby butts in telling us to mind our own business.  Priceless!

 (Look who’s talking, unwanted eavesdropper, if only I could tell her to mind her own business too.)

There are things that money can’t buy.   Cliche as it may sound, the best things in life are still free.


Kindly click/tap this To Read

  Lessons From A Faceless Mannequin




Copyright © 2015 Joys of Joel by Joel F. All Rights Reserved.



10 thoughts on “Window Shopping At Its Peak

  1. There is something about a mall…can’t quite put my finger on it….but I’m totally on the same page with the money spending thing. Unless it’s an outlet mall, there are very few bargains to be had. You’re much better off at a thrift shop.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Marissa for that great advice. Well, outlet mall is a better choice, a thrift shop is also a quite an experience but i don’t know why a huge mall is so fascinating, perhaps because it has so many retail shops with so many people and window displays that tell so many stories or maybe it’s just my weird crazy mind. 🙂

      Thanks Marissa for stopping by. Have a great shopping week ahead.


  2. Great post! You ave company …mall experience is a thrilling one in a different way to me …oh no actually very similar to your’s LOL … and it can get all the more exciting if I actually find something I like, at the price I like! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree, i’ll buy it if the price is right. Right for my taste and my very limited budget. hehe

      When I was younger I do shopping spree, now I look forward to something free. Gone are the days when I shop ’till i drop and worry later. Now i worry first then buy later. lol..

      Thanks PD for sharing your mall thoughts. Have a lovely thursday. 🙂


  3. Like you, I love seeing an artful window display. Sometimes people are so clever/artistic, but I’ve never before thought to take photos of them. I might start doing that.

    But I’d take a flea market over a mall any day!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s a great idea, taking photos of window displays. Yes, flea markets are like a treasure hunter’s paradise, so many great finds.

      Thanks Silver Screenings for stopping by and dropping some thoughts. I appreciate it. Have a great weekend.

      Liked by 1 person

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