For Halloween’s Sake

Halloween and All Soul’s Day

Since it’s almost halloween in some parts of the globe and almost all soul’s day in my country the Philippines, i’m giving my readers an option to show their kind soul by clicking / tapping the photos of my halloween posts, reading the musing/poetry of the corresponding image.

Although i hate sounding like i’m campaigning and surely i’m not pandering to your taste, rest assured that reading them can give you a smile and if these posts didn’t make you smile,  let me know through your comments, so we can make halloween great again.   🙂


Kindly Click/Tap Photo or Link To Read :


The Pumpkin and The Maze Race

The Maze Race, pumpkin and corn maze, joys of joel poems, trick or treat, halloween race
The Maze Race –

My Favorite Ghost Movies

my favorite ghost movies, halloween, scary movies, joys of joel writings, halloween, trick or treat
My Favorite Ghost Movies –


The Ghost Tour and My Goodlooking Ghost

the ghsots tour and my goodlooking ghost, joys of joel poems, halloween quote and poem, trick or treat
The Ghost Tour and My Goodlooking Ghost –


Thanks for reading.  See you next halloween. Enjoy your trick or treats.


Copyright © 2016 Joys of Joel by Joel F. All Rights Reserved.


25 thoughts on “For Halloween’s Sake

  1. Sorry to be of disappointment, I myself dislike all methods and reasons that the world of consumerism hangs on our backs just for the sake of profit , the result? Tradition become “Usance” and eventual people believe in a different thing, for example … Its October and in TV and supermarkets Theres already articles such as chocolate Father Christmases , Gift suggestions in avalanche what is the message of Christmas? Of Easter? Time for gifts … or chocolate? That a child ( God made man ) was born in humble conditions … Wise men who travelled long distances to pay respect … a way to same mankind from sinn ? It never gets mentioned, and the generations forget. Reminder like you mentioned Quote … “and All Soul’s Day” was the True part. Sorry to have been a pebble in the shoe!
    Keep up the great posting! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Omg, I love chocolates, for trick or treats, easter or christmas. How dare you! 🙂

      Truthfully, i agree with you to some extent. I even wrote a post about the commercialism of Christmas.

      Kindly click/ tap this to read Silver Bells, It’s Christmas Time in the City.

      Well different strokes for different folks.

      Thank you Luigi for sharing your thoughts here. That’s the magic of blogging, we can share and express ourselves.

      I can’t thank you enough for stopping by.

      Have a great halloween, oops, i’m sorry , what will i say, okay let’s just make halloween great again, oops.

      Okay, hmmm, i’ll just put it this way, when they go low we go high, Is that okay?

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Love that quote.

      It’s okay for the spelling, i’m not your english professor here, just your loving beautiful blog friend.

      Thank you so much Luigi for your time in reading this blog. I appreciate it.

      Take Care. Have a great weekend.


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