Finger Puppets by Joel F

Finger Puppets and its benefits, joys of joel poems, what is finger puppets, daily post wordpress
Finger Puppets –

“When you can’t verbalize your emotions,
just do it with your fingers.”
Joel F.

Finger lickin’ good and it’s not even a food.  Peruvian arts and crafts that would make your  fingers look good.

The Finger Puppets in assorted colors and designs at such a reasonable price caught my attention.  I bought more than a dozen and all gone for my friends. Such a great souvenir for people with kids.

These Finger Puppets are great in helping kids build their social skills. Also a great tool in expressing emotions. I’m not a kid but sometimes i’m so childish i need this thing.

When i can’t express my emotions, how i wish i got these finger puppets so i can just speak and speak and play like a kid. And if i fumble, everyone easily forgives because i’m just a kid.

How i miss those childhood days when playing with my fingers is always okay. 🙂


Daily Prompt:  Tiny


Kindly Click/Tap The Blue link To Read   Why I Love M & M’s.  Thanks.



Copyright © 2014 Joys of Joel by Joel F. All Rights Reserved.


57 thoughts on “Finger Puppets by Joel F

    1. Yes Kim, one of the the few things that come very handy when we let our fingers do the talking. 🙂

      Thanks Kim for stopping by. I appreciate it you sharing some thoughts here.


    1. I don’t know how to address you because your blog doesn’t say any first name.
      I don’t even know how to thank you for your time spent in reading this blog and leaving a lovely compliment.
      I guess i don’t need any finger puppets. I’ll just say a sincere thank you for appreciating this post.

      Thank You Sinister Dark Soul.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. We had a kiddie’s TV show here in the UK back in the 70s and early 80s called Fingerbobs. It was very simplistic, like a lot of shows at that time, but your post reminded me about it. Finger puppets are a great idea for kids and are good for developing communication skills, as you say. 😃

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Millie for sharing your thoughts here. Yes it does. FP are colorful and very helpful to kids and to grown ups too.
      Thanks for dropping by Millie. Have a great day.


  2. Joel, great one once more. Ah the tallents some of have and have really discovered in our all filled journeys through lifehood? Hmm, do we really ever stop being kids? as in completely? On Sunday at a friend’s home, I picked up her 8 year old’s novel title ‘Secret Admirer’ (I sincerely need one now mre than ever lol – childish huh?) and I read it all and was laughing and enjoying the fantasy and just found myself in that world and well flashbad to that era of my childhood which unfortunately reminds me of more beatings than otherwise. I miss hugs as a kid I have said that before, so I roll on the floor with my kids and now our cat Ella. In short… keep writing and sharing Joel

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Marie, you are right. There’s always a child inside us. Besides, age is just a number. 🙂

      The secret admirer things is such a cute memory. Thanks for sharing it Marie. Enjoy the moments with your kids and Ella…Time flies so fast.

      I’ll keep blogging, Your encouraging word is like a great hug to me now. Thank you. Take Care.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s a creative tool for teachers in child care development I guess. It helps in developing kid’s motor and social skills. And beyond that you can use it anyway you can. Use them to draw ? I guess you can. You can play with it too. 🙂

      Thanks Akhila for leaving some thought here.. Thanks too for taking time to stop by. Have a great week ahead.


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