You Can Quote Me

paulo coelho quote, joys of joel poems, poem about wishes, bucket list, motivational quote
A Quote by Paulo Coelho –

Looking back at my old posts, I have created poems and musings inspired by a quote from some of the famous poets and artists.

Kindly Click Each Photo and Read Joys of Joel Related Poems and Musings. Thanks.

a quote by emily dickinson, joys of joel poems, why life so sweet
A Quote by Emily Dickinson –
robert frost quote, joys of joel poems, the best way out
A Quote by Robert Frost –
john lennon quote, quotes, joys of joel poems, poetry, life is what happens
A Quote by John Lennon-
A Quote by Maya Angelou, joys of joel poems, the untold story poetry
A Quote by Maya Angelou –
ernest hemingway quote, joys of joel poems, life quotes, broken
A Quote by Ernest Hemingway
A Quote by Friedrich Nietzsche, joys of joel poems, quote about music
A Quote by Friedrich Nietzsche –
crazy quotes, joys of joel graphics, a touch of madness, quote by aristotle
A Touch of Madness –
poema bout color blind, grey quotes, joys of joel poems, photos of art installation
Color Blind –
oscar wilde quotes, joys of joel poems, be yourself quote, life quotes
A Quote by Oscar Wilde –

21 thoughts on “You Can Quote Me

      1. I’m so glad you are interested. Plenty of time left. Please tell your friends. Also, the collaboration is being published so please provide permission for that. We just need your name, URL, location and that it’s okay for Praxis magazine online to publish it to a free downloadable PDF.

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  1. That first quote is just asking for a smart-ass reply: If I do now all the things I always wanted to do, there won’t be anything left for me to do that I want to do. Long live procrastination, it keeps hope alive. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Well, we cant really do all the things we wanted all at the same time and even if we did, yes you’re right what are we gonna do the rest of our life but still we don’t know if we’ve got the time because we’ll never know when we’ll be leaving. That’s the great thing about quotes, they’re so subjective, depends on how we see it. And yes i do procrastinate, most of the time 🙂 . Thank you so much Sha Tara for sharing your thoughts and taking time for dropping by, i appreciate it. Have a great weekend.


    1. Wow, so kind of you to let me know you’re sharing it to your family. Thank you so much Chez Shea for stopping by. I appreciate it. Have a wonderful weekend and give my regards to your family. Take Care always.

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