Are You The Lady, The Man or The Child

the lady the man or the child, joys of joel poems, life and reflections, quotes
Are You The Lady, The Man or The Child –

A lady is walking in the forest,
and saw a beautiful silver daisy.
This can’t be a daisy.
There’s no silver daisy.

A man is walking on the beach
and saw a shiny silver apple.
This is a shiny apple.
I wish it’s a gold apple.

A child is walking on the street
and saw a big gold elephant.
The elephant is here.
I want to ride the elephant.

Which one is me?
Sometimes i’m the lady,
most of the time i’m the man
although deep inside i wish
i will always be that kid.


Kindly Click The Photo Below  and  Read Running Waves.  Thanks.
are you home? running waves, joys of joel poems, poem about fear and finding home
Running Waves –

Copyright © 2015 Joys of Joel by Joel F. All Rights Reserved.

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