The Stop Light

quote about stop light, joys of joel quotes, photo of stop light, love poem
The Stop Light –

I was walking in downtown Vancouver when I took this photo.  Sometimes, an ordinary thing can flashback a memory, is it the stop light or just you on my mind?

Should i stop and leave
when the stop light is on

When all the red flags
are speaking so strong

Should i walk through
when the green light blinks

When all i see
is a stream of hope blinking

But just like a blind man
walking across the street

that tempting soothing sound
enticed me to walk across your town

the chirping lovely rhyme
telling me it’s time

giving me the warning
that i should decide

Tell me why
you stop, look and listen
when you walk in the street
but why can’t you do it
when you walk into me?

and since you can’t answer
this question after all

the stop light gives its signal,
time to walk alone.

Walking in the street and walking into my life should have no difference at all.
Sometimes that leaves me  Speechless.

Copyright © 2014 Joys of Joel by Joel F. All Rights Reserved.



19 thoughts on “The Stop Light

  1. You know, in NY, no one obeys walk signs. If no traffic is coming, they will run across the street. In LA, even though there are rarely any cars, no one will go until that sign says walk. I’ve often thought about this but for some reason your poem provoked me to put it into writing even though I know you were intending to be more metaphorical.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Marissa for sharing your thoughts, i remember in Nyc , my friend and i was push over on the subway during rush hour, and when my friend told the guy very nicely that she was hurt, the guy replied with ” go home, you fcking tourists,”. We were shocked not because of the word fck but because how could he have known we’re tourists? Until we realized we’re holding a camera and walk very slowly in the subway on rush time. That time, We just had a beautiful lunch with some new yorker friends who happened to be very warm and friendly while heading to a friends place. Well every place had its rude people i guess. In L.A. People walk slowly but drive really crazy. Nevertheless both cities have beautiful friendly people. Thanks Marissa i appreciate it everytime you stop by.


      1. Oh yes, I totally get it. I think there is a sense of impatience to get where you need to go in NY since it’s so crowded but that’s no call to be outright rude like that. Sorry you had that experience!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. It’s okay, every cities had its good and bad side. Kindness and rudeness is universal I guess. 🙂 Thanks again for being kind in dropping some lines Marissa. Have a wonderful day.

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