The Great Little Small Things

musings for thanksgiving, what is gratitude, joys of joel musings, how big is your little, life quotes
The Great Little Small Things -(Gratitude) –

The miniature menus and attractions
i got to hold while visiting the nanaimo museum
brought me to a bigger convention
acknowledging that the great little small things
are not entirely different from the big things.

The small things we took for granted
we barely noticed along the way
because our sight is limited
to that big thing on top of the mountain
while we are still on the valleys

Forgetting to smell the flowers
because we look forward more
to those tall distant trees
thinking that the fruits it bear
is greater than what the tiny bees are enjoying

Complaining that we have so little time
and such small things in our hand
we tend to climb the mountains
and surprisingly discover
that what appears to be big from the valley

is still small and little
when we reach the top of the mountain

Looking down
the view from the peak
we still see everything small and little
and still wish for something bigger.

Yes everything below and within us
is still small and little
no matter how far we’ve reached
Nothing different when
we were still in the valleys aiming for the peak.

I am no different
just like everyone else
but sometimes i don’t know when to stop
to remind myself “How Big is My Little.”

Kindly Click This and Read  Evergreen.  Thanks.


Copyright © 2014 Joys of Joel by Joel F. All Rights Reserved.


14 thoughts on “The Great Little Small Things

    1. Thanks Marissa. We don’t really celebrate Thanksgiving on November. Here in the Philippines, we do it on Christmas and mostly during our town or city fiestas in honor of our patron saint. Here in Cebu, The biggest one is during January, the Sinulog Festival (The Santo Nino Festival). But of course i won’t forget thanksgiving during those times i was in the united states visiting my relatives and friends. The Turkey and that black friday thing. Memorable. 🙂


      1. Oh yes, that Black Friday thing can be down right frightening. It’s strange to think of how such a big holiday here can be just another day in the rest of the world. Us Americans can be awfully egocentric, ha, ha!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Well madness sale is universal, everyone goes gaga during sale season i guess. And when i was younger i also used to think that everybody in the universe celebrates Christmas until i realized that one such huge event can mean nothing to some parts of the globe and i hope i don’t look egocentric just because sometimes i think the world revolves around me. Lol. 🙂


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