The Lost Child by Joel F

the lost child, poem about suicide, joys of joel poems, purpose, world suicide prevention day
The Lost Child — A poetry about suicide – –

A Poetry for World Suicide Prevention Day (Sept. 10)

The Lost Child

The sound of a scream as she opened her eyes.
The movement of the ground was instantly felt.

The place is too dark as she grasped for the light.
A lost child suddenly appears in the dead of the night.

She asked what happened? Why they are all alone?
No neighbors to ask, no  one  to hold.

The child speaks saying he can’t believe
The moment he woke up, he’s walking alone.

She asked his name and he said he is john.
She nods and say,

“Don’t worry i will  bring you back home.”
The boy replied  “you are my home.”

Confused by the words but the tears in his eyes
gave her a message she can’t deny,

As the  boy  hold her hand and showed her wrists,
the blood is gushing, from the cut she didn’t miss,

It is only then that she felt the pain
when the child start saying

” I asked HIM to make me, a part of this world,
But how can it be , if my mom isn’t home”

Years had passed as she speaks on the floor
to all those who are lost and almost took their own course.

She found the truth that life is a cord
that binds  not one , but all.

As she leaves the hallway, she was greeted by a friend,
who gave his gift for her son John’s first birthday.

** when you think that your life has no purpose, a twist of event will teach you it ain’t so.”

Kindly Click This and Read  Purpose. Thanks.


Copyright © 2014 Joys of Joel by Joel F. All Rights Reserved.

16 thoughts on “The Lost Child by Joel F

  1. I wrote a post about a ten year celebration of a young man who I babysat, had wonderful caring parents and still felt sad, confused and allowed a bully to torment his soul. He was 14 when he walked out of the high school and into the path of a train. This is a powerful subject, two of my three children have lost friends due to this choice they felt was their only answer. Keep up the great work of communicating about this subject.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We can’t really blame people for their choices. We never know how it feels until we walk in their shoes. Needless to say Life is still beautiful inspite of its twists and thorns. Thanks Robin for sharing your thoughts.


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