Do You Hear The Music

do you hear the music, music and poetry, poem about music and love
Do you hear the music- – –

A wonderful quote by Friedrich Nietzsche inspires me to create a poetry.

In awe of the sound
a queen without a crown

a wondrous spell
heavenly hell

voices of the strings
surrendering to your king

entranced by its magic
its joys and its tragic

dancing to its rhythm
fulfilling its mission

while others are watching
but no one’s listening

for they can’t hear the music
and in silence that is golden

the master speaks its voice
waiting for your choice.

Kindly Click This and Read Ā Music and Bob Marley. Thanks.


A Quote by Friedrich Nietzsche, joys of joel poems, poem about musics and love
A Quote by Friedrich Nietzsche –

Copyright Ā© 2015 Joys of Joel by Joel F. All Rights Reserved.



29 thoughts on “Do You Hear The Music

    1. Thanks for your kind words Andysmerdon. Well, i read poems for some kids on our community projects but not these kinds, you know this is kinda too heavy to read for kids. I also join communities in teaching kids how to string beads. Have a great week ahead of you. Thanks again.

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  1. I’m The Nietzsche quote says it all. My mantra is “if you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance”.
    I don’t love Thanks for visiting and subscribing to my blog.

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