The Movie in My Mind

poem about creating our own masterpiece, joys of joel poems, what is your masterpiece
The Movie in My Mind –

We watch.  We act.  We celebrate.
We create.  We participate.

Our life is our greatest masterpiece.

As we watch it unfolds on our own naked eyes
We live to tell our story.

Just like our favorite movie
we share and relive it.

The best movie is our life.
And we are the stars.


Kindly Click This and Read   The Story Is Not Over Yet.  Thanks.



Copyright © 2015 Joys of Joel by Joel F. All Rights Reserved.




17 thoughts on “The Movie in My Mind

    1. Well, life is like a movie. Love story, comedy, action and suspense, fear and horror, fantasy and what else? We are all directors, scriptwriters, cinematographers, actors and a speechless spectator. Thanks Robin for dropping by.

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  1. When I was younger I have often wondered how life would be if it were cinematic. I bet it would be quite entertaining, however if I had the chance I would never never never trade the real life for a filmic lifestyle.
    I’m not sure if this comment makes any sense or if it’s really appropriate for this piece, but then again I wouldn’t know where else to place this thought otherwise. It’s just what immediately came to mind when I read this, I remember I wrote a piece about that desire to live a life like the ones in the movies waaaayyy back when I started blogging. Your poem brought back some memories. Thank you, it’s a great piece!! 🙂

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    1. You’re welcome Prospermind. You are right. I too was mesmerized by the movies, who wasn’t? Until i realized that stardom in fantasy kingdom is just like any kingdom, cinematic, scripted, sometimes realistic, mostly surreal with its ups and downs. I agree with you nothing beats a simple life that’s why i’d rather enjoy my life as it unfolds realistically than watch it pass by. My life is my favorite movie because i write my own story and the ending? Well, unpredictable unlike any other films. Thank you prospermind for sharing your thought.

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