A Quote by Ernest Hemingway

A quote by Ernest Hemingway, joys of joel poems, quote about broken heart
A Quote by Ernest Hemingway – https://joysofjoel.wordpress.com/


Nothing could be so true
what Ernest Hemingway once knew

So i speak and cite this creed
everytime i feel the grief

Even if the world has torn me apart
and fractured my loving heart

I’ll never blame those days i kissed
the monster of my youthful beast.


Kindly Click This and Read  The Servant King.  Thanks.


Copyright © 2015 Joys of Joel by Joel F. All Rights Reserved.



15 thoughts on “A Quote by Ernest Hemingway

  1. Well it certainly tries to break everyone, that’s for sure, but some of us stand in front of it and roar, BRING IT AND I’LL SHOW YOU WHO’S STRONGER! I like that. Gotta be tough and never back down. Never show fear and wear heavy boots that are good in a fight. Life is actually hard because of the way we have made society, because of the choices made for us by the idiots in charge, (we let them get away with that), because of prejudice, discrimination, and all the “isms,” that ever were. Life doesn’t HAVE to be the way it is. WE make it the way it is. We can stop it if we want to, we CAN make a better world, but apparently not many people want to. Everything is a choice. We can choose not to go to war, hurt others rape, pillage, put people above others, believe in institutions that rape and pillage but are seen as leaders. Well, you know what I mean. We allow that stuff to happen and destroy lives and make life a living hell instead of a peaceful place. We do it to ourselves and let the bad guys run the world while we whine and complain and watch TV. So? Any suggestions as to how to motivate anyone?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for that great thought Rethinking Life.. You’re right, life is a choice. Suggestions? Honestly, i can’t really tell others how to live their life as i myself need to be motivated to look at the brighter side of life once in a while. And the universe is not all about me, although sometimes i think that way, who doesn’t? All of us was once a drama queen, in one way or the other, at some stage of our life 😉 (When we think that the world owe us something). It’s okay to be broken but not frozen. That’s life and with more than 6 billion humans, all i have to do is accept them, after all i never knew what they’ve been through, all i knew is what i’ve been through. Yes, i want a perfect world but how can it be if i myself will never be perfect. And you are right, it begins with us. I guess that’s life. Thank you Gigi for your wonderful thought. I appreciate you dropping by. Have a wonderful weekend and take care.


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