A Dressing Moon by The Human Mare

A Dressing Moon by The Human Mare,  Poetry by Mare Martell
A Dressing Moon – Poetry by Mare Martell


Every line mesmerize me, can’t help not to share this: 

Kindly click this  A Dressing Moon  to  view the original post by The Human Mare.


I will put on my vestments to ride the night sky

I’ll reflect the sun into the darkness seeking sight

I’ll guide those who are lost, unwilling to be free

They’ll all know I am watching as I rise above the trees

I will monthly allow clandestine shadows cloak to hide

While I sneak my chosen path over indigo darkened skies

But as I wind around the earth chasing my lover’s pursuit

Believe me when I say, with my arrows I hunt and shoot

For as my time grows ever more; closer to my lover

I will remove each willowing wisp, reject my naked covers

When I am full, there’s no denying the glory that I shine

For those who know me best are dancing naked intertwined

Beneath my swollen belly and my womb of maturation

I gave birth to more than you, I’m the keeper of tides and nations.

So shall I depart from my gentle inamorato’s embrace

Until a cycle once more rounds, I’ll redress my bounty’s face.

I circle fates with my hips unbound

Singing songs of my sisters

Spirals never ending round

Upon Goddess brows a-glitter

Kindly Click this  Mare Martell  and read her other beautiful poetries.  Thanks.





5 thoughts on “A Dressing Moon by The Human Mare

    1. Yes Annmarie, she writes beautifully, just like you too. You write beautifully coupled with your beautiful artworks, I enjoy reading both your blogs. Thanks for always dropping by.


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