The Beauty of The Philippines

The Beauty of The Philippines , joys of joel random photos, kalanggaman island, philippines best beaches
The Beauty of The Philippines

Just a passing thought,  i  wonder why i seldom feature my own country in this blog.

Colonial mentality? Nope, not really, i just don’t have enough beautiful photos of my past escapades.

All right i have beautiful photos, too much alibis. The truth is you don’t really appreciate everything you have while you still have it.  You know that feeling?  That you can always return to that beach , that beach , just a few minutes from your place.

The mentality of not rushing because you have all the time to visit your country’s scenic spots.  After all , they’re just within reach.   Until a foreign friend of yours showed all his beautiful photos from his recent vacations and proudly tell you all his beautiful memories in that place.

You gasp in disbelief asking yourself why you can see a a sparkle in his eyes and yet you barely see the beauties that surround you.

I remember that time in Bangkok when i excitedly ask my friends to have my photo taken while i’m inside the tuk tuk (thailand’s version of  tricycle) yet i never had a single photo of myself riding our local tricycles or jeepneys.

I thought i’m different until i talked to a thai tourist.  She told me she’d been to more than 15 beaches in the Philippines and yet she’d never been to pattaya or phuket.  Wow! Reminds me of myself.

This is taking too long so i better cut this short.  So to appease my guilt in not advertising my beautiful country, (i know it’s not too late to post something about The Philppines), this time i’ll show you photos of a beautiful beach in Kalanggaman Island Leyte , photos courtesy of my friend Kevin Rodriguez.

Just like you, i hope someday i’ll visit this place.   Who knows we might visit it together?  Just give me a wink and i can be your beautiful travel guide.

The Beauty of The Philippines, joys of joel random photos, kalanggaman island leyte
The Beauty of The Philippines





Copyright © 2015 Joys of Joel by Joel F. All Rights Reserved.




15 thoughts on “The Beauty of The Philippines

    1. Yes Natasha, very warm and perfect. I hope someday you can drop by in my country and enjoy our beaches, although i know you also have beautiful beaches in Trinidad and Tobago. By the way kindly say hi to Wendy Fitzwilliam.

      Liked by 1 person

            1. Better make it yummy, or else hehe, i’ll let you know once i’m the caribbean dont worry, as long as you can wait in few years, got to save money, caribbean is such a costly place but i know the beaches are all worth it and the people are friendly.


    1. I’m glad you enjoy your stay. Yes Weisserwatercolours, we have the longest Christmas season in the the Philippines, especially here in Cebu. We celebrate The Sinulog Festival for two weeks right after Christmas and New year season extending our Christmas Revelry until second week of January.


  1. It’s beautiful! I want to go there :-D. I know, what you mean though, I never realized how amazing my home city- Prague was until I left it! Now I appreciate it through the tourist eyes and also with a sense of pride that I come from there. Thanks for posting this. Gia x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks too Gia for dropping by. Yes, it’s a beautiful place and i hope someday you visit my beautiful country. I’m also wishing to visit Prague someday. Anyway, have a wonderful weekend and Take Care.

      Liked by 2 people

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