the poetry of my life through my writings and journeys

Welcoming waves as I see from a far. Amazed by the maze  that ponders a  willing heart.   Random thoughts that suddenly seep. Who would have expected it would swept me off my feet.

 How could you say it is not to bloom, if i see nothing but gardens of roses inside my room.  A dream is not a dream until you wake up from it, then suddenly you found yourself gasping for breath.

 The tide at its height and the fire in his eyes seem like signs for that unexpected mire. Although the sun is so bright, yet the clouds are in its forms, as if it’s about to welcome a storm. But how could you see an impending rain , if the sun is so bright it blinded your eyes.

                                                 The clock suddenly move, voicing out its call, saying it’s time to heed its alarms. You can go back to sleep and be lulled by its troll , or wake up and dive in and be ready for a fall.  

The Accidental Writer, joys of joel poetry and writings, quotes by joel f.
Photo shoot with “The 100 year old typewriter”

  I ‘m a book lover…love to read…which brought me here….

  A Fashion Aaccessory designer, freelance graphic and web designer who lives  in Cebu, Philippines where world class artisans abound, from furnitures to accessories to name it…

All through these years i keep traversing different paths of  design and arts. I  design fashion accessories and conceptualize home accents , souvenirs and gift items . I also conceptualize and design mall kiosks, book covers, catalogue, brochures and online banner ads.

On my free time i  love writing  poems, short stories, creating quotes and storylines.  Everybody has a story to tell and just like everyone else, I’m no different.

Kindly acknowledge and give credit to  Joys of Joel by Joel F if you want to use my creations.  All writings (unless otherwise stated)  on this blog were passionately created by yours truly to satisfy my unending thirsts for words.  

Thank You for visiting this site.

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Copyright © 2014  Joys of Joel by Joel F.  All Rights Reserved.


243 thoughts on “About Me

    1. I should be the one thanking for your time dropping by. Nope, i’m not an accomplished blogger, thanks anyway for that kind thought. Have a wonderful weekend Change Today, i’m looking forward to read your poetries. I enjoyed them.


  1. Wow. Such a huge blogging pro liked my posts and followed me ? Surely I must be doing something right 😀 Thanks a lot Joel for the likes and follows 🙂 Much much appreciated. Your space looks like the perfect mix of talent and poetic prowess 🙂 Wishing you a wonderful weekend 🙂 Cheers, Minaxi

    Liked by 1 person

    1. A huge blogging pro? Wow, such a generous kind compliment, when in fact i’m just a neo but i admit i’m such a huge reader that’s why i love reading blogs and yours is one of the great ones. Thanks Minaxi for your kind words and you’e always welcome. Cheers too.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Joel, nice to meet you. Thanks so much for stopping by at my blog, Lynne’s Recipe Trails, and for all the ‘likes’ and the ‘follow’ I really appreciate your support. I look forward to visiting your blog. Take care and have a great weekend 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome Lynne. I appreciate you stopping by too. I’m enjoying reading your recipes, some of them i shared to pinterest. Take care too and have a great sunday.


  3. Hi Joel. Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I am so happy I visited back as I see I am going to enjoy your writing very much. I love connecting with people across the world. Look forward to our future blog connection!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hey Joel, firstly thankyou for following theextraaamile 🙂 Glad to have you onboard and secondly we share more that just the passion of words and writing but also the name ‘Joel’, though it is my second name. I hope to have a long association with the’joysofjoel’
    Kind Regards,
    Savio (Goa-India)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hello Joel
    Thank you for liking my posts, I am so pleased you like what you have seen so far enough to follow my blog. It is a pleasure to connect with you and I look forward to reading more of your posts, I very much like the way you write 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome Simple Joys.
      Thank you so much for your encouraging words I appreciate it.
      Thanks too for taking time dropping by and reading my posts.
      Have a week ahead.


  6. Your blog is lovely and especially original! You write in your own personal way and it’s amazing! Some of your quotes caught my attention like this one ”once upon a time every city has its haunted past. Sometimes, I’m haunted by my past” the comparison is surprising and thoughtful! I thought you may like the 3Days, 3Quotes challenge so I nominated you 3 Days 3 Quotes Challenge hope you will find it interesting and look forward to read your quotes!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. You followed me! Thank you so much for your likes and follow! You honor me, truly. You are a genius at poetry and the fact that you are a fashion accessory and graphic designer. My love of architecture, design, fashion, and writing make me feel right at home here. Can’t wait for more 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Thanks for the ‘Follow’, Joel!
    I see you’re mainly into poetry, but I certainly hope you’ll like photography as well?
    At my blog you will find more than 6000 ‘full screen pictures’ – all from Norway.
    And since you have no way of knowing what time I eventually posted certain pictures, I have constructed a parallell ‘INDEX’ (found under categories) where everything is listed alphabetically under their respective counties. You may also read how many pitures are included into each post, but – perhaps it would be advisable to google the location of Norwegian counties first? Knowing your way around will make it even easier, and at the end of each post there will always be a return link returning you to my INDEX. Please enjoy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome. Thanks for stopping by too. Thanks too for sharing informations on how to navigate your blog in order to fully enjoy the photos and the articles. I appreciate it. Have a great week ahead.


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