Love and The Street Signs

love and the street signs, joys of joel poems, when is love best, beautiful love poem
Love and The Street Signs –

Wheels on the highway
I hear the song on the radio

I switch the channel
Don’t want to remember

Those times I’m driving
in the dark tunnel

Refusing to listen
But I’m still hearing

the music in the park
where I see you kissing him.

So I take a U-turn
when I see the yield sign

Did not bother
to wait for the green light

I learned a lesson
for overspeeding

The blind curve sign
that I keep ignoring

And when the cop
hand me the ticket

I realized
there’s always a limit

So I park a while
and learn to accept it

That Love is best
when it’s a two way street.


Kindly Tap This Link To Read Puppy Love and My Purple Bike. Thanks.



Copyright © 2018 Joys of Joel by Joel F. All Rights Reserved.



15 thoughts on “Love and The Street Signs

    1. I don’t know if it happens to everyone, but at one point in one’s life, one experience a one sided relationship I guess. Thanks Larisa for sharing your thought. I appreciate the time you spent in stopping by. Take Care.

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